Tuesday, January 25, 2011

48 Hours

I kept track of my media consumption from various different mediums such as the phone, computers, TV, and video games to see how much time I was actually spending doing doing these different things.  Some of the results surprised me, and some didn't.  The form of media I used most was probably the computer/internet, which added up to about 4-5 hours.  The form of media I used the least was reading magazines, which I really only did for about 5-10 minutes.  I probably spent between a half hour and a hour communicating over the phone with friends and family.  As far as my monologic media, I spent about 3 hours watching TV/movies.  I was really surprised with how much time I spent on the computer, especially on Facebook.  Facebook is such a pointless thing, and there isn't really much you can do on it, so it was surprising to see how much of my day was spent using it.  If I were to choose something to change about the way I use media, it would probably be on Facebook less just because it doesn't better me at all, and I don't learn anything of value on it.  For the most part it is just a big waste of time when you actually stop to think about it.  This was an interesting experiment and it really opens your eyes to how you are really spending your time.

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